artist, educator, writer.
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we, the fragment

 Visual poem in response to Walter Benjamin’s “Thesis on the Philosophy of History” (1942). In  Monday Journal,  volume 5, Jacob Lawrence Gallery Press, University of Washington, 2020.

Visual poem in response to Walter Benjamin’s “Thesis on the Philosophy of History” (1942). In Monday Journal, volume 5, Jacob Lawrence Gallery Press, University of Washington, 2020.

 Animated version of the text for  Projecting Our Future  public project, Boston, MA, October 2020 (with Design Studio for Social Intervention). 3 min. (Animation by Hannah Kim).

Animated version of the text for Projecting Our Future public project, Boston, MA, October 2020 (with Design Studio for Social Intervention). 3 min. (Animation by Hannah Kim).

 Installation view. Joseloff Gallery, University of Hartford, 2020.

Installation view. Joseloff Gallery, University of Hartford, 2020.